In November 2019, we organized a huge Christmasparty and Christmasdinner together with Lidl for more than 200 influencers and journalists. Everyone had a blast and kept on talking about the amazing #LidlXMas party, where DJ's such as Like Maarten & Dorothee Vegas and 2Fabiola played the best hits in Café Local, Antwerp.
Due to the coronavirus, we weren't allowed to throw a second #LidlXMas edition in 2020... or did we?
Together with Studio Regie, we decided to give it another virtual shot, where about 20K journalists, influencers, Lidl staff members and consumers could dance the night away on 18th December 2020 from 21 o'clock till 22 o'clock.
How we did it:
Christmas + party at home = time for a creative PR-package in the shape of a Lidl Christmastree. 1m20 filled with pure partyproof Lidlitems: a blanket, an ugly Christmassweater, champagne ofcourse, Christmassocks, Christmaslights, toasts and so on. They were deliverd at the doorstep of 100 people and lots of 'OMG' later, everybody was counting down till Friday December 18.
We took 'spread the word' very literally, as we send out a general save the date to more than 4700 of our Belgian contacts. We posted 3 Lidl XMasteaser posts on our IG-account and Lidl itself spread the invite among their staff members and their followers on Instagram.
Let the party get started! Dorothee Vegas and Like Maarten were DJ's in a Lidl Winterwonderland for an hour thanks to the 3D Skills of StudioRegie.
A virtual dancenight at the end of the weird year 2020 was certainly an event that everybody was waiting for. Uncountable stories, posts and lovely reactions of the landscape and the fun at home with family are proof of it :)
Special Thanks to studio Regie for the Virtual livestream production with Unreal Engine, no pre-rendering or rehearsals!
All live controlled camera cutting/speed, lights, pyro,.... 2 Unreal engines (RTX 3090) with custom made midi virtual camera controls, 1 MQ500 ChamSys (around 1K plus lights in scene) , 1 Resolume VJ Software. To entertain thousands of viewers